What’s good for FAA Medical Exam health can be delicious for you.

I hear from a lot of airline transport pilots and air traffic controllers who know they need to change what they eat. Their BP or blood sugar is climbing and they’re in danger of failing their next FAA Medical.
But it can be hard to figure out how to change your diet. Between the pressures of an aviation lifestyle and uncertainty over what works, it’s easy to get stuck.
That’s why I’d like to walk you through it.
free 3-day meal
I’m offering a free 3-day meal plan that demonstrates exactly what to buy, cook and eat. I cover all meals and snacks, plus shopping lists and recipes. Just follow the steps!

You’ll get a good look at how easy and delicious it can be to lower your blood pressure or blood sugar while eating satisfying foods.

Plus, my plan gives you a sample of the exact strategies, ingredients and recipes I use when coaching pilots and ATC’s for FAA Medical recertification. I’d love to share them with you.

Get a Taste

P.S. Don’t like to cook? Grab the plan and skim it for ideas about what kind of meals and snacks could work. Not everything in the plan requires cooking. 😉

What To Eat To Pass Your FAA Medical

Take the guesswork out of lowering your BP and A1c. Get your sample 3-day meal plan with daily menu, grocery list, and delicious recipes!