Let’s face it: aging is difficult. And this is especially true when it comes to aging in the profession of aviation. There are lots of reasons why we do many things that don’t contribute to our health. Perhaps your habits help you deal with stress. Or maybe they’re mindless habits. It’s possible that we may not even realize the big impact of small routines that are done day after day.

When I work with pilots, I can’t tell you how many times I hear about how difficult it can be to live a healthy lifestyle and have good habits with such a hectic, unpredictable schedule. I’m here to tell you that it is completely possible, and you can start with making simple changes. 

Like most people, I started my health journey as a New Year’s resolution. We all know that, typically, these resolutions are broken within the first few weeks or months of the new year. When I started on my own journey to a healthier lifestyle for prevention, I had to start by making changes in baby steps to help me stay on track. It made it much less overwhelming! 

I started by revamping my snacks. Even when you are snacking in-flight or on a quick layover, there are simple swaps that you can make, like switching out processed snacks for nutrient-filled snacks (be sure to check out my handout, “15 Pocket Snacks for Busy Aviators” for some suggestions). This one simple action of swapping out your snacks can provide you with a newfound energy and even improved focus during your flights. 

Not only can it help with your immediate health, but your future health, as well. Getting the proper nutrients can help prevent high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and lower blood sugar. Once you have started with this one small change, you can move on to another, and another, and you will find yourself living a healthy lifestyle (and feeling better!) without even thinking about it.

Before we jump in too much further, know that there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve nutrition, fitness, and health right after the holidays. This is referred to as the “fresh-start effect” where goals center around a time-related milestone—like the start of a new year. I encourage and celebrate health goals at any time of year. But, let me share with you some strategies to help you see more success and well-being than the typical New Year’s resolutions, especially as you are navigating the hectic field of aviation.

A better way to set health goals for prevention as an aviator

Making smaller, more sustainable changes can lead to more success. Studies show that certain types of goals are also more likely to contribute to—and not take away from—a sense of well-being. One small step that you can take that will have a large impact on your help is to incorporate more fiber into your diet.

Why You Should Add More Fiber Into Your Diet

3 ways to implement better health goals for prevention

Remember small, flexible health goals become sustainable over the long term. When you start working towards a goal, first ask yourself:  is this coming from a place of self-love and five years from now is this something I will still want to be doing?

Snack smarter

Small snacks can add up to a big impact over time. Instead of pre-packaged, processed snacks, commit to eating fruit (and vegetables) and nuts as snacks three or four times per week. There is overwhelming evidence of the healthful effects of eating fruits, vegetables and nuts, and most people don’t eat nearly enough. You also want to make sure that you are getting enough fiber. Fiber aids in blood sugar regulation, proper digestion, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure health. Oatmeal, fruits with edible peels, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are all good sources of fiber. For some ideas on what snacks to keep in your bag when you are on a shift, check out this blog

Choose water 

Water is a great way to hydrate while reducing the amount of sugar (and empty calories) that come from sugary drinks. Being hydrated with less sugar is a win-win for your health. 

Practice eating more mindfully 

Listen to your body and be kind to yourself


Part of health and well-being is how you treat yourself and your body. Setting and reaching health goals does not guarantee happiness, nor make you more worthy of love and kindness than you are right now. You are enough and deserve respect. Make self-love, self-care, and kindness—regardless of challenges or discouragement—goals, too. 

You are the person who is most able to feel gratitude and appreciate yourself every day of the year—whether you reach other goals or not. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You haven’t failed and you don’t have to give up. Keep listening to your body and being kind, no matter what.

How we choose our health goals can make a big difference in how long we’ll stick with them, how they impact our well-being, and how much success we see. This is very common and is not your fault.

Remember not to be too hard on yourself when challenges arise, because they will, especially with a busy aviation schedule. Allowing yourself some flexibility in how you set and reach your goals, opting for positive goals, and enlisting support can help you improve your health and maintain well-being throughout the year. These can also help you stick to your new healthy lifestyle for longer and be more sustainable so that you are better positioned to achieve those goals.

Remember, attainable goals for healthier lifestyle habits can be made any day of the year, including today.

Do you need help setting yourself up for success when it comes to health- or nutrition-focused goals? As a registered dietitian who specializes in the field of aviation, I’d love to help. Click here to schedule a FREE consultation call today to discuss your future health goals!