Maintaining Your Health (and Weight) into the New Year

You may have heard of the popular holiday fitness challenges that say, “Maintain, Don’t Gain!”. While these challenges have good intentions, they can often be very restricting. While you may see an uptick on the scale, you can still maintain your health throughout the busy holiday season, one day or month is not what wrecks your health! These examples of mindful eating (and mindless eating) will help you survive the holiday season while keeping your health FAA Medical ready!

Mindful Eating:

Know when you’re (actually) hungry.

Let’s face it, eating habits are tough. There’s no other way to put it. Sometimes we eat when we’re bored or sad or lonely…or we are at a social event and feel the pressure to indulge. Other times we skip meals because we didn’t have time to plan. Then there are those times we overeat. Knowing when you’re actually hungry and when to eat can help you be mindful during the holidays. Try to stay in the middle ground, where you eat when you are beginning to feel hungry and eat until you are satisfied – not until you are uncomfortably stuffed!

Mindless Eating:

Munching on snacks while watching TV or playing video games.

Eating while you are distracted, whether it is when you are driving, reading, watching TV, playing video games, or anything else can lead to mindless eating. You munch on all sorts of things without paying attention to how much you are eating, or really even what you are eating. Be mindful of when you are eating and what you are doing while you are eating.

My favorite tip for multi-task eating is to find your favorite bowl, container or cup.  Make yourself a rule to never eat out of packages.  Using a bowl, container or cup helps you to get to the bottom of the serving…and if you need more, go back and measure more!  You’ll feel less guilty with this new way of snacking.

Mindful Eating:

Journal before, during, and after meals and snacks.

Have you ever tracked what you ate for a few days?  When I work with clients, I request a 24 hour recall. Some folks can recall everything they ate while the others cannot remember the last morsel.  Writing down what you eat, when you eat, how you feel before and after you eat, and even why you are eating can help you stay mindful about your eating habits over the holidays. What’s most interesting is when I have my clients track food we often are shocked about how little they are eating!  Open the notepad on your phone and try it today. Or take pictures of your day and see what you discover.

Mindless Eating:

Eating on the go.

All aviators need to eat while they are on the go. Commuting, transferring from hotel to airport can be stressful and complicated. The issue is most of them are not prepared for eating on the go.  And they end up grabbing food court or fast food. If you assess what you’ll need a few hours before, you can have a better plan for those days you’re driving or flying. Preparation is key! One tip I share often is looking ahead at your work schedule.  For this next trip, I challenge you to prepare or pack snacks and portable meals that are fun, healthy, and filling to keep with you.

Mindful Eating:

Don’t eat too fast!

Eating too fast can result in overeating. This can also impact your digestion and how you feel after you eat. To be mindful when you are eating over the holidays, try to slow down!

Mindful Eating: 

Be aware of stress eating.

So many people eat when they are stressed. It is often used as an outlet, but this can have a negative impact on your health. Before you reach for a stress induced snack, stop and take a beat. Would going for a walk or talking to a friend help? If you are mindful about it and still feel like you need a snack, go for something that satisfies you.  What is nostalgic and reminds you of comfort?  For me, it’s warm chocolate milk, hot cocoa or a warm cookie.  And when you’re stressed sometimes your brain needs a good hit of dopamine which can come from eating a touch of sugar.  Picking something in a small portion that is satisfying can make all the difference in your mood.

Mindful Eating:

Embrace healthy eating while still managing your expectations!

If you are focused on eating healthy, it’s more likely that you won’t fall off of the wagon over the holidays. That’s not to say that you can’t splurge. If your family is having one of your favorite meals that you only get over the holidays, go for it! If your great aunt is bringing you a slice of your favorite cake, eat the cake! Moderation is key. Don’t go overboard, and focus on eating healthy and making healthy substitutions where you can. And if there are leftovers of your favorite food, bring a container and pack up portion controlled leftovers to enjoy back at home.

Mindful Eating:

Be prepared to cook healthy.

Eating healthy means different things to each person.  For me, health means balanced meals and snacks: proteins, carbs, fats and fiber.  All foods can fit and you can make meals that you will enjoy eating, while including balance. This can be as simple as swapping ingredients for healthier ingredients. Example:  opting for a plant based fat (nuts, seeds, avocado, olives) instead of a saturated animal fat (cheese, oils fatty meats).